Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day Six - War Birds, Vintage Aircraft, and Crowds

Another beautiful weather day brought more planes in and huge drive-in crowds to OSH. Though the "North 40" aircraft camping area has no where near the hundreds of planes it normally has in a normal, dryer year, the good weather is bringing in large day crowds so the place has been hopping! Lots of war bird activity today with P-51's, Corsairs, B-17's, and other miitary aircraft flying. No modern jet fighters yet, only Korean war vintage stuff. We expect the heavy iron will be later in the week.

I spent the day in the War Birds and Vintage Aircraft areas marvelling at the amazing efforts, and money, people have expended to maintain these classic aircraft. In the War Birds category, besides the "usual" P-51's and Corsairs there is a PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED F-4 jet fighter and a Harrier vertical take-off jet fighter! Just to fuel those aircraft would take all the money I have! The Vintage Aircraft included 1930's -era classics by Waco, Stinson, and the most beautifu Stagger-wing Beechcraft! One of the latter was owned by Barron Hilton. We're all grateful to those with the money to keep them flying!

Our congenial tent neighborhood has diminished as Gary, the ex-Flying Tiger captain pulled out in his Skybolt biplane headed back to Nevada, and our Cessna 172 neighbors from Wichita, KS pulled out this evening, too. They both started to leave but were held up for a while because a biz jet crashed on the main runway, 18-36. As they left, in the amazing spirit of sharing that permeates this place, we inherited left over ice, groceries, and a chair.

Looking at the weather and gauging the condition of our feet and legs, we are thinking we will leave Wednesday or Thursday. That will be a call we make after more consultation with the weather radar.

So tomorrow is uncertain but whatever we do, it will be fun!


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